Sunday, March 29, 2009

Trip to Penimbawan

Last Sunday three members (Nizman, Akom & myelf)of the Mansau-Ansau made a trip to Penimbawan Village. ....just to ambil gambar kampung tu ...

Ah, itu Nizman sebelah kanan dan Akom, kiri.

The village, taken from the jetty.

The 'floating store'.. for fishing net.

Some of the houses found in the village

making friends with the locals..Encik Anih Mat (left) and his uncle(with white headwear) Encik Anih a Clerk in a nearby school and he also help his wife operates homestay for visitors. He can be reached thru his h/p No. 0138749244.

Mount Kinabalu as seen from Penimbawan...

Location: Peninbawan Village is on the northen side of the Teluk Sulaman(Sulaman Lagoon) in the District of Tuaran and is only 15 minutes by boat from Kg Surusup jetty.


Nizman Lee said...

Sampai juga kita oh sana . lepas menunggu tu hujan branti ..

CM said...

Ya o. Nasib Akom cakap 'Let's go', kalau tidak sampai di Surusup ja.

Jann said...

Saya suka this Kg. Trip, huh! the scenary!!!... Great, scpecailly the Mt. Kinabalu... I feel peace deep within.